شرکت پتروکهکشان تجارت آسیا (سهامی خاص) که با نام تجاری "اینفینیتی گلکسی" چه می کند؟

به گزارش جی پلاس؛ شرکت پتروکهکشان تجارت آسیا (سهامی خاص) که با نام تجاری "اینفینیتی گلکسی" در تجارت بین‌الملل شناخته شده، با آغاز دولت در سال ١٣٩٢ کار خود را با هدف صادرات محصولات پتروشیمی آغاز کرد و در حال حاضر علاوه بر دفاتر ایران در کشورهای گرجستان، هند، مکزیک، کامرون و امارات دارای نمایندگی فعال است.

  1. According to the ISNA market service and announcement of PETRO KAHKESHAN TEJARAT ASIA, due to the main field of working of this company which is export oriented, this company entered the nuts exporting area regarding
  2. the good potential and the high volume nuts production of the country from the year 2016 to 28 countries in 3 continent of Africa, Asia and America and also the marketing has been started for the exporting productions of Iran in continents of Oceania continent north America, Europe.
  3. Activity area of the INFINTY GALAXY commercial company is in export source finding and marketing which is mentioned as below:
  4. Finding domestic goods of high quality and arranging to export and cargo inspection in factory (at sight) by the company’s agents in Bandar Abbas (At Port), attracting capital for export and participation in earned profit through financial analysis.
  5. Marketing and international sales, finding end user and facilitating the export conditions and financial transactions as well as admitting LC with consideration of Iran’s condition through United Arab Emirates and Oman.
  6. Other activities of this company including expanding R&D unit and finding new markets like Madagascar, Oceania continent, central America, central Africa, north of Africa, swap, re-exporting and research for new petrochemical product to export.
  7. For more information pls refer to the company’s web site (www.infinitygalaxy.org) or the email address (info@infinitygalaxy.org) or you can communicate with the telephone no. 0098 21 88 06  30 13 and 0098 21 88 61 40 68.     End Item


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