کدخبر: ۱۶۵۷۳۶۸ تاریخ انتشار:

Memoirs: Imam showed no signs of anxiety while returning to homeland

Extracted from a collection about Imam and Islamic Revolution history

Sadiq Tabataba’ei, who accompanied Imam recalled that he was a bit worried about the travel towards Tehran because airports were still under control of the then Shah regime’s remnants.

Tabataba’ei says he had some anxiety when I consulted to Imam, but “Imam had patiently asked me about the progress regarding the constitution and its process

It was on ۱۲nd Bahman or ۱st February ۱۹۷۹, when Imam Khomeini returned to Iran from Paris after ۱۴ years of political exile.

That day is marked as revolution day. The event is celebrated by ۱۰-day festivities each year, called the ۱۰-day dawn.

(Extracted from a collection about Imam and Islamic Revolution history)



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