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Election, a national political maneuver, to determine the fate of the nation and the political life of the country: University Professor

A prominent university professor says that elections are a national and political maneuver in which massive participation of the people determines the destiny and fate of a nation.

Dr. Mahnaz Goodarzi, an assistant professor at Iran’s Isfahn University, in an inclusive interview, said such participation should take place with a great amount of awareness and responsibility.

Political participation has a vital role in creating and generating cohesion among various fabrics of society.

“If we consider election a model of political participation, then people&#۳۹;s presence plays a key and vital role in determining the destiny and political life of their country, “said the professor.

"And nowadays, there may be few people who have missed or neglected the significance of political participation, which has played a very essential role in the stability and survival of the world&#۳۹;s political systems."

She further said that the foremost outcome of this election should be boosting unity among various walks of life and filling the gap between elites and the public masses and ultimately fences be mended.

"The foremost and even the most important outcome of these polls should be the promotion of unity and integrity among the great Iranian nation, and on the other hand, this election itself should bring closer opinions and must result in maturity."

The active participation in election is not only a political or social duty of each individual in society, but also a religious obligation for all of them, Goodarzi said.

"It is a also role –model for management, which means they will vote for a certain personality or figure which will manage their affairs with certain managing models and skills."

Participation provides the means by which people control their government and administration decisively and determine who will administer for coming years.

"We all must keep in mind that the discussion regarding elections is directly and closely associated with individuals and everyone&#۳۹;s rights. Each of us has to exercise our rights and shoput not waste this opportunity.  This election is a matter of our administrative duty as well."

Political participation means the contribution of the largest possible number of individuals to the largest number of areas and arenas.

Both the institutions and all the public masses should participate actively in this matter of great significance by organizing this national event and political maneuver."

“Our presence should be conscious and in the form of explanatory and revolutionary efforts."

 She also said that those youth who will be casting their ballots for the first time should be briefed about domestic and international impacts of the elections.

“You see, it is true that this election is actually a national maneuver and great event, but it has very high international effects and impacts."

This upcoming election could turn out a great epic and victory, and this could be the second-biggest event in the form of making and people here are main actors and decision makers.

Elsewhere in her remarks, Goodarzi said that public masses created and generated the first epic by attending the funeral of Martyr President Ebrahim Raeisi in large numbers and even in millions.

"Therefore, the people should also create second epic by helping themselves to determine the future of their country and choose someone who will be the successor of their martyr president. They should choose carefully such a person who could do the best work and serve them."

"In my opinion, instead of casting our ballot for certain thinking or the person, we should vote by considering the management model through which the elected figure will run the nation&#۳۹;s affairs for at least ۴ years and move the country forward based on specific management model."

"That is why I have appealed and emphasized time and again that we should conduct these elections consciously, actively and in responsible manner."

She also said that the role of media in creating awareness and exposing the enemy’s plots could be very effective and decisive

"Here, the role of the media can be very influential because we want to pick up and choose a person with certain management role-model, and it is very important to follow instruction as directed by the constitution of our country, especially in terms of faith. Let&#۳۹;s examine his beliefs, revolutionary nature, and most importantly, the nature of the person.”

This is very important for everyone and, finally, a person is chosen who the common choice of people, she noted.

She also called for a higher turnout and massive participation in the upcoming elections and the people who will be participating in the voting process for the first time should be justified and briefed fully

“In my opinion, whether I am a university professor or you are a media person, we all with various specializations must be able to inform very well, be able to brief will the new voters about the significance vote very well and fully explain the existing sensitive situation to them and let them know how effective the higher turnout can be in defeating or confronting the enemy&#۳۹;s plots."

 “I would also like to say that this election is a very competitive election, while the foreign media are talking to the enemy on the contrary. We have to talk very well with the younger generation and the first-time voters, and give clear picture and well-founded reasons for all their questions,” the reputed professor pointed out.

We can  show and prove for people that their presence in the elections creates an important impact and necessity in society, and it can also confront  strong  vicious propaganda by their enemies.

She stated that the strategic policy of the enemy is to encourage the absence of people. The media must do important work in attracting young people and gathering audiences.”

“It seems necessary to mention here that God&#۳۹;s strength to all our colleagues who are working hardly day and night in order to organize fair elections. This is while the foreign media are desperately attempting to say that all these things are useless and has no effect, but we all know that this election is about democracy and concerns all the people who should be involved in the political process of running the country.”

The professor concluded by saying that the system of the Islamic Republic in Iran was well-formed based on the votes of the people, even the public participation is well guaranteed in the constitution and in all the direct and indirect organs and institutions.


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