
The sad occasion of 28th of lunar month of Safar reminds us passing away anniversary of the Holy Prophet of Islam and Martyrdom of his grandson Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (‘a).

 Imam Khomeini used to urge all faithful people to adopt as a role-model the conduct of honorable prophet of Islam Hadrat Mohammad (‘a) and his pure progeny.

 The greatest messenger  of Allah to mankind passed away at the age of 63, after preaching for 23 years the message of  peace, harmony, healthy way of life and submission to none but God the Almighty creator. 

 The honorable prophet of Islam left behind the "Thaqalayn" (the holy Qur'an and his pure progeny) for the guidance of the Muslims and the whole world. 

Prophet Mohammad's (‘a) elder grandson and 2ndinfallible heir, Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (‘a) was martyred at the age of 47, as a result of a fatal dose of poison, given on the orders of the corrupt rulers of the times. 

Imam Hassan was hailed along with his younger brother, Imam Hossein (peace be upon them), as "Leaders of the youth of paradise". 

Imam Khomeini, the contemporary leader of the contemporary Muslim world highlighted the pious character of Imam Hassan in great detail and frequently paid tributes to the elder grandson of prophet of Islam.  

Imam Khomeini underscored the role of Imam Hassan (‘a) for the cause of Islam and efforts which were made by him for the unity of masses at that time. 

With regard to this, Imam Khomeini said in following historic messages as following: 

Imam Hassan rose up against the king of his day, Muawiyah, as far as he was able, even though at that time most people had sworn allegiance to Muawiyah and recognized him as their king. And when he was betrayed by a group of self-seeking, opportunistic followers and left without support, the very conditions of the peace treaty that he signed with Muawiyah disgraced that monarch, just as later, the bloody revolt of the Doyen of the Martyrs [Imam Hussain] disgraced Yazid. (Sahifeh, vol2, Page: 386-387)

Imam Hassan (may God's peace be upon him) did not have as many problems with others as he had with his devoted friends. The companions who did not have any sense of understanding as to what plans the Imam of their time is following, they, with their narrow-mindedness and defective thoughts, resisted against him and plundered him and inconvenienced and, let me add that they defeated him. They concluded a treaty with his enemies and played a thousand other tricks upon him. (Sahifeh, vol. 9, Page: 30)



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